The Legislative Information Center provides copies of legislative documents, answers questions from the public about the legislative process and current legislative activities, and offers variety of classes designed to help the public to become better acquainted with the legislature and its operations. Most of these publications are available without charge; however, certain documents are available to the public for a fee or on a subscription basis.
Documents available from the Legislative Information Center include:
• Bills, Bill Reports, and Amendments
• Floor Calendars
• Daily Status Sheets and Committee Schedules
• Digests and Supplements
• Education documents like a Glossary of Terms, How a Bill Becomes a Law, How to Testify, and print, audio and video tutorials
• District and Campus Maps
• Interim Committee Reports
• Roll Call Transcripts
• Legislative Reports and other end of session documents
• Legislative Manuals
• Pictorial Guides, Telephone Directories and other rosters
and many others
Legislative Information Center & Hotline
110 Legislative Building, 360-786-7573
The Legislature also provides a toll-free HOTLINE (1-800-562-6000) which citizens throughout the state can use as a vehicle to communicate with their district legislators at no personal cost. The Hotline uses the Washington State Telecommunications Service for the Deaf (TTY), which allows persons who are hearing impaired to communicate with legislators and staff (1-800-833-6388). Hotline operators respond to inquiries about the status of bills, bill requests, and committee meetings. Messages taken by the operators are routed via computer network to members’ offices. During session, Hotline operators work Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. During interim the hotline is staffed from Monday through Friday, only, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.